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Stat Interactive Services' Email Marketing and Online Lead Generation Solutions

Stat Interactive Services is the umbrella name we gave to all of our web services. This encompasses Stat Lead Generation, Stat E-Creative, and Stat E-Lists. Each of these sectors offers clients a unique business opportunity for list marketing and list brokerage.

Stat E-Creative

Online marketing has become an important channel in today's marketplace, not to mention a necessary and cost effective way to service your new and existing customers. Acknowledging this, Statlistics developed Stat E-Creative, our internet marketing arm. We offer our expertise and a comprehensive suite of products and services in order to assure that your multichannel marketing strategy reaches its maximum potential.

At Statlistics, we pride ourselves on being able to provide big company services with the attention and commitment of a boutique company. We encourage our clients to take full advantage of our E-Creative opportunities including HTML Coding Cleanup, HTML Enhancement, Complete Creative Design, Landing Page/Micro-Site, Spam Scoring, and Opt-Out Hosting.

Stat E-Lead Generation

Stat E-Lead Generation is a Statlistics co-registration lead generation program to selected online publishing business-to-business or consumer list management clients that we feel we can deliver increased revenue to. We've partnered with a professional online co-registration company, and designed a program that is sure to be beneficial to our clients.

Online lead generation is the use of online marketing tools to generate leads to new customers or contacts. It establishes connections between well-matched consumers and targets corporate vendors via the web. Through our E-Lead Generation program, Statlistics will publish a number of marketing offers on the subscription, registration, or login forms on our clients' websites. As a registrant fills out these forms, he or she may elect to participate in the lead generation offers we have selected. In agreeing to participate, Statlistics will collect their information, then pass the customer selected demographic and email information from the registrant to the promotion provider for the purpose of generating leads for the co-reg partner.

Stat E-Lists

At Statlistics, our love for lists is even apparent in our name, so it comes as no surprise that we have a unique division of our management segment devoted strictly to email lists. An overwhelming number of our postal list rental properties are available with email addresses as well, and additionally we have an impressive collection of solely email clients.

Stat E-Response Lists

Statlistics is one of the best resources for many leading email files covering a variety of markets. Our team is always willing to work with you to reach prospects in the high-tech, manufacturing, construction, or financial fields, just to name a few. With many B2B and consumer email lists, Statlistics is constantly adding new email files under our management, and further increasing our market exposure in this growing category. Additionally, our sales team enjoys a great reputation for customer service and industry knowledge, and therefore we can be depended upon to be one of the greatest assets to your email planning.

Stat E-Solutions Compiled Lists

In addition to a growing catalog of email files under our management, we also offer Stat E-Solutions Compiled Lists, a collection of files that have been drawn from many of the leading data providers in the country. These lists offer a depth of helpful information and selections, and can help you identify your best test files whether you are targeting a specific job title, industry, or looking for a regional or nationwide pool of prospects. With more mailers and brokers looking at compiled list sources, this is just another excellent way Statlistics helps you to access this growing marketplace.

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